This project was one of my earliest level design projects.
In this project the main focus was to create a two-side scroller level with
some specifications: had to be easy to beat, had to have moving platforms death
traps and life count and some type of treasure collective.
In this project I had to use references in order to create
some of the assets for it. The theme was “castle ruins” therefore I had to
implement some type of medieval architecture. The level was simple, it was a
platformer level (focused mainly on jumping on platforms to get to the finish
line) and along the level you had to evade enemies along with death holes.
The level had to have two parts, an entry level (easy) and a
more difficult part. The first part was easy, I introduced the player to the
mechanics of the game, such as what buttons to use to jump, and what kind of
collectibles the player would find. In the second level, I introduced the
player to the enemy, and how to avoid it, and some of the death traps, which
were more regular.
For the moving platforms I had to code the assets in order
for them to move a t the proper speed for the game, same for the enemy, I
reused the same codes for the death traps making the player respawn in a
different location if hit my the enemy.
This project was very successful because not only it met the requirements, it also was fun
to play, there was background music implemented as well, and everybody enjoyed
playing it.